Saturday, July 7, 2012

Quantum ClientFeedback

"When I started having Quantum Biofeedback sessions with Sam I was struggling with a difficult life transition. The first session was deeply supportive and nurturing… what I needed at that time. Later on the sessions focused more on moving into higher energetic states of living. Sam is a positive and supportive guide through the whole process. I have learned a lot about myself, faced issues from my past, and started looking forward to the future. Plus I left each session feeling amazing. This is a fantastic technology! Thank you Sam!" -JJ
"WOWEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel AMAZING! Thank you for this most awesome treat of yoga in a beautiful setting and bio- feedback from the master! You are a phenomenal woman and I got so much out of being with you. You aligned perfectly onto my path and Im very grateful. This is the next step in my empowerment. Thank you." -C.C.
"WOW! My last bio-feedback session with you Samantha was great! I felt very ungrounded when I arrived and after my session I felt so amazingly grounded. I felt connected to my body again... back in my body! I felt so disconnected when I walked in. Thank you so much!" -M.W.
I am SO glad to have crossed paths with you. I love your spirit and your gift of healing people. Be well. LA
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have hope for my loved ones that are struggling, and their experiences with you and the SCIO add to the hope I feel! KJ
I would highly recommend receiving biofeedback from Samantha Huston to any and everyone! This treatment is truly the tops when it comes to alternative health care, overall healing for mind and body. In three treatments I had noticed a complete turn around in specific areas in which I had been struggling. Her approach is gentle, kind, and completely tuned in so that she can serve her client. LJ
Its an amazing thing. JF
It really helped me to confirm some thoughts I have been having. I also feel that I have obtained more clarity and calmness. Its a pretty amazing machine and you are a wonderful person for sharing it with others. JR
"When I first heard about Quantum Biofeedback I was skeptical due to not possessing a true understanding of what it was. When it became clear to me what it was I was fascinated. Physically, I had been suffering from debilitating pain in my left leg and left arm and shoulder for several months. By the end of the session the pain in my leg was completely gone and the pain was reduced in my arm by at least 85%. After experiencing Quantum Biofeedback's effects, I am an advocate for it's ability to rejuvenate and maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit. It was by far so much more then I expected. I left my first session feeling grounded and elated, actually looking forward to certain challenges I was experiencing. I highly recommend this modality for continued health in the challenging times we are facing. After my first Quantum Biofeedback session I recorded a set of affirmations with Samantha which she then set to music according to my preferences. The recording has proven to be an invaluable tool in the ongoing development of my goals and dreams. It also helps to remind me in moments of doubt and stress the amazing, healing energy I was bathed in during the original Quantum Biofeedback session, thus rebalancing me. I can't say enough about Samantha's gentle sweet spirit through out both sessions - the Quantum Biofeedback and the recording of the affirmations." -A. R.
"Part of my Valentine's Day gift to me yesterday was a trip to Morro Bay for my first Quantum Biofeedback session with Samantha Huston (another fellow horse lover - again, my divine perfection!) It was awesome, very informative and boy, was I in a state of zen afterwards. Definitely doing that again!" -M.C.
"I just did a Quantum Biofeedback session that completely changed how I thought about the innate wisdom of the body & it's ability to heal itself when fed the right information. My session healed & released things I wasn't even aware of in a very simple & effective way. A long standing pain disappeard in my left leg & the pain in my left arm significantly reduced." -A.R.